

Fire proof your property

Unchecked biomass is a highly flammable fuel load responsible for wild bushfires. It’s a massive threat to communities, property and lives. Cultural ‘cold burning’ is our protection.

Carbonise your soil

levels, increased flooding and algal blooms that create ocean dead zones. Use the right fire to lock up carbon where it belongs… in the soil.

Bring back flora and fauna

As the land burns from wild bushfires and soil loses strength, plants and animals are destroyed. Our bountiful ecosystem is turning to ash and needs the right fire to heal our country.

Tree planting by country

Diverse bioregions are critical to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encourage clear rain, mitigate fire risk, repair soil quality and reduce erosion. We must return what has been lost.


We burn to
protect nurture Survive



FIRE LORE is an Indigenous-owned and operated cultural land management, consultancy and training collective. We use a deep understanding of the land and proven techniques from local Aboriginal culture to repair our natural world, protecting our resources, communities, homes and families.



FIRE LORE works closely with a diverse group of partners, clients and stakeholders to develop and implement programs that meet their specific objectives. The cumulative effect of this collaboration compounds our life-saving impact and we encourage you to become part of this wider team of healers and change makers.
